Ball Lightning

Ball lightning appearance near Lutsk. 24.05.2014

The story.

I have seen a Ball Lightning yesterday 24.05.2014 near Lutsk. In fact this part of town considered part of Lutsk. The actual location is posted like a blogger post coordinates.
It interested us, driving back home because of unnatural behaviour. It was not flying under certain trajectory but hovering around. Like some kind of man made craft with intelligent pilot. Unfortunately this is the best photo I have got. It was far enough between the clouds and us. SO this way I'm certain it's a ball lightning. In general unfortunately I have not have my camera ready. I had to switch to a tele lens. It was also residing in my trunk. I had to stop a car because of it and find a proper place. While realising I see a ball lightning and getting ready to make picture of it. So my really first picture became one of two that I have succeeded to make. I was extremely excited and my hands were shaken. And it was too dark. Anyway. This is the final shot and it does not complete the picture unfortunately.

The Photo:



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